NBA Player Quiz

Guess the (current or former) NBA Player with this NBA Player Quiz. There are currently more than 400 players and more than 2000 hints in the quiz. Due to current events such as trades, playoffs or injuries, some of the tips on individual players may change over time. If this is the case, I will try to update the game as quickly as possible. However, there may still be deviations on some days. Please note that the app is only available in English right now.

Details of the NBA Player Quiz

There are four categories. Active players (e.g. Giannis Antetokounmpo), players of the 2000s (e.g. Tim Duncan), players of the 80s and 90s (e.g. Michael Jordan), and players who were active before the 80s (e.g. Bill Russell). For some players, the eras overlap (e.g. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar). In this case, the player was assigned to the category in which he played a large part of his career. If a player is in the category "Current", this does not automatically mean that the player is currently under contract in the NBA. It can also be a player who is out of contract or who ended his career only a few years ago. Players who have only been playing in the NBA for a year are usually not yet integrated into the game. But since new players come into the league every year, I always try to add new players.

The user has 150 seconds per player to guess the (current or former) NBA player. If the answer is correct, the user gets 50 points plus the remaining time on the clock. There are five hints for each player and five different players per round. You enter the players using the keyboard. However, a list should appear in the field to complete the name in order to guarantee the correct spelling.

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NBA Player Quiz

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