Football Quiz International

Football Quiz International with questions on current and historical football events. Currently, there are about 600 questions about current events and the history of football/soccer (new ones are added regularly). If you look at it globally, football/soccer is probably the most popular sport in the world. Therefore, there are a lot of quiz questions on this topic. I hope that some football fans around the world will also enjoy this quiz for Android devices.

Even though this football quiz contains questions from all possible areas of football, the focus is on European football (especially England, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands etc.). Nevertheless, there are also questions on South America, Africa and Asia, as well as, of course, on World Cup football.

Details of the Football Trivia Quiz App

Ten questions per round have to be answered in this quiz. The user has 60 seconds to answer the question. A correctly answered question is worth 60 points minus the time elapsed in answering the question. For example, if a question is answered correctly after 15 seconds, the user is awarded 45 points. The faster you can answer correctly, the more points you get.

In this football quiz there is both a local highscore list (with only your own results) and a global list (with all scores from all users of this app). You can therefore monitor your own progress and compete with other football fans from all over the world.

Other Sport Quiz Apps

There is also a German version of this app: Fußball Quiz International. Please note that the app is only available in English and German right now. German football fans can also take a look at my Fußball Quiz Deutschland. Here the focus is on the German Bundesliga and national team and not on international football. If you take a look at the homepage, you will also see quiz apps about basketball and the NBA in particular.

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Football Quiz Android

Football Quiz Question

Football Quiz